Saturday, October 19, 2013

Natural remedies for acne

Know all about the natural remedies for acne

The natural remedies for acne that work are able to remove the scars and the spots too. Even though there are many acne treating options present, but it is the natural options that are preferred as there are no side effects of any kind. Acne is not a disease nor does it have any health impact but people are unhappy as it affects their good looks and self esteem. Also, acne will appear at an important time, like, just before a job interview or before that special date.

Having water daily is one of the best natural remedies for acne. Consuming fresh vegetables as well as fruits on a daily basis will also help. The skin will begin to shine this way. Do ensure never to pick at the acne as that may enhance the inflammation which may lead to the formation of scars. Also, touching the face with fingers on a continuous basis is to be avoided. In case of those who have long hair, this should either be cut short or a neat hair style is to be adopted in which hair does not come over the face. Hair is oily and it can automatically increase the chances of getting acne.

The best way to be acne free is by maintaining good hygiene. A bath daily is essential. Also, it is important to wash the face quite often by using a face wash that is of superior quality. The face needs to be washed or gently exfoliated after coming home. Always a soft towel is to be used for drying it and never rubbed by using a rough cloth as that may damage the skin. This can lead to getting rashes.

Doing regular exercises is another natural remedy for acne. Doing yoga as an exercise is a good option to reduce stress which can cause acne. Vitamin E capsules can be taken to ensure a healthy skin. The capsule is to be opened and the liquid is to be spread over the pimples. It has to be left on the skin for a while and then washed away.

Another option is the application of honey, tomato paste and a few drops of glycerin on the acne. This mixture needs to be left for twenty minutes and then washed off.

Just before sleeping, cream mixed with lime water and glycerin can be applied. It must be left for a while before being washed off.

One of the natural remedies for acne that really works includes garlic. Having three cloves of garlic on a daily basis for one month will show the results. Meanwhile, some garlic paste put on the affected area each day can be used to make the pimple go away. Coriander or mint leaves can be mixed with some turmeric powder as these are the other natural remedies for acne. This mixture is to be put on the face during the night. It must remain there for a few minutes and then washed off.

Fenugreek leaves can be crushed and a paste applied on the acne just before sleeping can also help. It must be washed away on getting up. Cucumber used over the acne after grating it is another natural remedy for acne.

Orange peel that has been dried and then ground to a fine powder used every day is a useful remedy. Using one teaspoon of this powder added to cold milk and applied to the face, the results will appear in a week's time.

A mix of boiled milk and lime juice as a face wash can be used every day. Using grated potatoes are other effective natural remedies for acne as this takes care of the blackheads, boils and other kinds of skin blemishes too.

Grounding sesame seeds with water will help to cure acne. This is also going to be effective against various kinds of skin allergies.

Papaya is also highly effective against acne. Making a paste by mashing the pulp, skin as well as seeds and applying it to the acne each day is useful.

But the best natural remedies for acne that work are of preventing the appearance of acne by maintaining good hygiene and exercising regularly. This includes wearing clean clothes and keeping a track of the various skin allergies too.


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Natural remedies for losing weight guarana

Natural Remedies for Losing Weight - Guarana

Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is another herbal promoted as a natural remedy for losing weight and is made from the seeds of a plant native to Brazil. The seed of the Guaran is a central nervous system stimulant with thermogenic and diuretic properties.

Basically what is in guarana is caffeine - up to two to three times the amount of caffeine that coffee has. Guarana is the richest-known source of caffeine. You can find guarana as a major ingredient in energy drinks, which don't state there is caffeine in the drink, but rather say it provides an energy boost. Rather an understatement, as it's more like a major buzz. Coffee contains 100 mg of caffeine, Coke or Pepsi 36 mg, and Energy Drinks any where from 169 to 259 mg. That's a rush.

Guarana falls into a category of weight loss supplements called thermogenesis right along with ephedra, caffeine and salicin. Basically it boosts your metabolic rate, causing your body to burn calories faster plus curb the appetite. Body fat that isn't burned is stored on your hips, thighs, stomach, etc.

If you are going to go for this kind of product in your weight loss journey, you will need to find one strong enough to curb your appetite, that zips up the metabolism to burn more calories, create heat to burn more fat, and doesn't give unwanted side effects such as: jitteriness, nervousness, or heart palpitations.

Taking a higher dose doesn't mean you lose weight faster. Instead, you just have more side effects. With thermogenesis based products drink more water (due to the heat factor), do not skip meals (low blood sugar), and do not take late at night (it will keep up awake) What you also need to remember with products that stimulate is stimulants burn calories, but increases heart rate and blood pressure. Caffeine suppresses the appetite, but gives you the jitters, mood swings and tension.

What to choose? You will face some hard choices when it comes to deciding what might be the right natural remedy for losing weight for you. Guarana (or caffeine) may suppress appetite to a certain extent at high levels. On its own it's not a very effective supplement to create thermogenesis. Combine it with Ma Huang (Ephedra), and it appears the caffeine extends the appetite suppressing action of Ephedra and increases caloric expenditure. But you might not want to be combining two powerful stimulants together. And you most definitely do not want to be taking this if you are on blood thinner medications like Coumadin.


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Natural treatment for eczema

Natural Treatment for Eczema

Eczema treatment can be done without the use of medication. In fact, there are natural treatments available and you just have to know what these are.

The first natural remedy is probiotics. This is good bacteria and we have this inside our bodies. It suppresses the growth of bad or harmful bacteria in our system, influences our immune function and strengthens the digestive tract's protective barrier.

Since there are not enough probiotics inside the digestive tract of infants, nursing mothers are encouraged to breast filled their babies as the milk also contains galacto-oligosaccharides that help probiotics grow in the body especially during the first six months.

Studies have shown that over a two year period, infants that are breast fed have less risk of suffering from eczema later on in life.

Children and adults can also drink probiotics. A good example of this is Yakult which is made from a mixture of skimmed milk powder, sugar and water that is ultra-heat treated and then fermented using a live probiotic strain called Lactobacillus casei Shirota.

You can buy this in the grocery and now, there are two types to choose from namely Yakult Original and Yakult Light. Both contain Lactobacillus casei Shirota in equal amounts, but the Light version has less sugar. So you know which is which, Yakult Original has a red lid while Yakult Light is the one in the blue.

We know that there are creams and ointments available to treat eczema. But did you know that there are products made of natural ingredients? You can find some made from herbal extracts of chamomile, licorice and witch hazel.

But before you try any topical herbal product, check first with your doctor if it is safe for you to use because some herbs like chamomile may cause dermatitis.

Aside from applying the natural product to your skin, you can also take it in orally. There are supplements around that can help treat and prevent eczema. Some examples of these include evening primrose oil with a dose of 500mg. daily, MaxEPA fish oils 1,000 mg. three times a day, Vitamin C and bioflavonoids both 1,000 mg daily, Vitamin A 10,000 I.U. daily and Zinc 50 mg. daily. You should also eat fish at least twice a week.

Taking a bath is also another natural form of eczema treatment. Instead of using soap and water, you will be using oatmeal. All you have to do is put in one or two cups into a tub of lukewarm water. Afterwards, you will need to apply a moisturizer on your damp skin to keep it moist.

If you dont like the idea of taking a bath in oatmeal, try mixing one-teaspoonful of comfrey root, one-teaspoon of slippery elm bark, one-teaspoon of white bark, and two cups of water together in a bowl. After boiling it for 35 minutes and giving it some time to cool, get a face towel and wash this over the affected skin. It may not remove the itch but it can help decrease the urge to scratch it which is important because scratching could just make things worse.

Eczema treatment can be done naturally, with creams or ointments and medication. The important thing to keep in mind when you choose to use any of these products is that it must work.


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Natural remedy for bronchitis


Natural Remedy for Bronchitis: A Natural Way to Cure Bronchitis

Today, bronchitis is considered as one of the most common diseases in the world. Usually, people who suffer from bronchitis are people who have weak respiratory system. Infants, children, the elderly and people who smoke tobacco are the ones usually affected by this disorder.

Bronchitis is the infection of the bronchi. Usually, the main causes of bronchitis are virus infection, bacteria infection or in rare cases, bronchitis can be caused by fungus infection in the bronchial tree. This illness comes into two main classifications. The first one is acute (short-term) bronchitis, and the second one is chronic (long-term) bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis is very easy to treat but it also needs constant management and care in order to let the patient fully recover. Since you won't know if your bronchitis is caused by virus, bacteria, or fungus infection without laboratory tests, you have to consider that once you experience the signs and symptoms associated with bronchitis, you need to consult your physician immediately as he or she will order some laboratory examinations that can accurately determine what is causing the illness.

Bronchitis often develops during the late stages of upper respiratory tract infection. It is also very common in the winter months. You have to know all about the different signs and symptoms of bronchitis in order for you to get an idea on when to consult your physician.

Usually, acute bronchitis will include persistent hacking cough, mild chest pain, and shortness of breath. Sometimes, it will also include headaches and squeezing sensation around the eyes. It is important that you should consult your doctor and get a laboratory test in order for you to determine whether the bronchitis is being caused by viral or bacterial infection. Bronchitis caused by virus infection is relatively easy to treat. All you need to do is drink lots of non-caffeinated and non-alcoholic beverages, such as water and juice and get lots of rest. You should also increase the humidity inside your home by installing a humidifier or a simple home solution of hanging wet towels or blankets.

You have to understand that acute bronchitis can develop into chronic bronchitis if left untreated. Chronic bronchitis can cause permanent damage in your respiratory system and can severely affect your daily activities. This is why it is important for you to know how to properly care for your respiratory system and know how to treat bronchitis at its early stages.

There are quite a lot of natural remedies that can help treat bronchitis or at least minimize the effect of the signs and symptoms. It is recommended that you should combine conventional treatment and alternative treatment for bronchitis. The first thing you need to do to treat bronchitis is to stop smoking if you are a smoker or dont start smoking if you are a non-smoker. One great natural remedy that can alleviate the symptoms of bronchitis is by taking a long shower or soak in a steam-filled bathtub. Or, you can stand over a sink or a large pot filled with simmering water and inhale. When you do this, make sure that you are near enough to inhale the steam and far enough so that you won't get burned.

Another way to relieve symptoms of bronchitis is by applying hot, damp towels on your chest for several minutes. After this, you need to dry off, dress in warm clothes and go to bed. It is recommended that you should avoid dusty and smoky places as it can worsen your condition.

These are some of the ways that can help alleviate the symptoms of bronchitis. You can also consider taking vitamin supplements to help your body fight off the virus or bacteria infection.

There are other natural and alternative remedies that can help in treating bronchitis. It includes aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and even massage with oils that can help in alleviating the symptoms of bronchitis.

By combining natural remedies with conventional treatments, you can be sure that you can get rid of bronchitis from affecting your body and at the same time, live a healthier and more productive life. It is important to remember that taking care of your body is the best way to prevent being affected by bronchitis. However, if you do get bronchitis, you can simply do the mentioned natural and conventional treatments.


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Natural remedies for toothaches

Natural Remedies for Toothaches

As hard as we all try to take good care of our teeth, almost everyone experiences a toothache at least once in their life, some more than others. Unfortunately, most toothaches are just severe enough that they can hinder a persons ability to continue on with their daily tasks. Of course, a dentist should be seen if severe pain is present for more than one week, but many are surprised with the relief they receive from natural remedies. Natural remedies are a great way for the uninsured to seek relief, as well as a great way to treat the pain until a dentist can be seen.

One natural remedy that works great for toothaches is that of onion consumption. There are a number of medical studies that proved that onions have bacterial benefits. For that reason, individuals suffering from a toothache should put a small onion piece on the tooth that is causing them pain. Relief can typically be seen in a manner of minutes. Also, due to the benefits of onions, those who eat a couple of raw onion pieces everyday can protect their teeth. This is because a raw onion can help to kill common germs and bacteria in the mouth that can cause dental complications, such as a cavity.

Another natural remedy and home remedies that is ideal for treating a toothache involves the consumption of garlic. A clove of garlic can be placed on the tooth that is producing the pain. Within a matter of minutes relief will be felt. This relief may even be permanent or it will last the longest, when compared to many other natural and home remedies for toothaches. In addition to garlic, a clove can be placed on the affected tooth. This will not only provide pain relief, but clove is also known to limit the chances of an infection.

Pepper is considered a natural remedy and a home remedy that can help with a toothache that results from a cavity. When using this approach, a pinch of pepper should be placed on a tooth cavity. Many others also recommend adding in about a quarter of a teaspoon of salt to create a salt and pepper combination. As previously stated, this can help to provide relief from a toothache associated with a cavity, but there are other dental benefits associated with this remedy as well. A small mixture of pepper and salt can also provide relief from bad breath and gum problems, such as soft or infected gums.

In addition to using the above mentioned home remedies and natural remedies for toothaches, preventative steps should also be taken. This involves seeking regular dental care. A dental checkup is advised at least once a year; however, twice a year is better for those with known dental problems. Another preventative step that can be taken involves limiting the consumption of sugary foods and drinks, such as candy and soft drinks. These food and drinks can increase the chances of a cavity developing. If these sugary food and drinks are consumed, a quick brushing is advised.

Speaking of food and drinks, those that are high in vitamin C and calcium are known to prevent many dental complications, including loose teeth, cavities, and gum disease. Lime is recommended for the healthy maintenance of teeth; however, dairy products, which are high in calcium should also be consumed on a regular basis. If you are a parent, it is advised that you provide your children with a constant source of these calcium and vitamin C rich foods, to limit the dental problems they may have in the future.

As outlined above, a number of natural remedies and home remedies can provide relief with a toothache. With that being said, it is also important to remember that preventative care is advised. Also, although the above mentioned natural remedies will provide most relief from many common dental problems, a visit to a dentist is recommend for those suffering from severe, long-lasting pain.

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Monday, October 7, 2013

5 Quickest ways to lower Your Health Insurance Premium

It is an old saying - "Health is Wealth." The most important step to maintain this wealth is to get a health insurance policy for you as well as your family. But, sometimes the premiums of such policies can leave you in and out of the budget situation. Can you really do something to bring down your premium? Read on to learn about the 5 quickest ways to lower your health insurance premium.

 1. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

 Living a healthy life has many benefits. Your healthy lifestyle can easily help you in bringing down the health insurance premium. Exercise regularly, eat healthy diet, avoid smoking and heavy drinking - and your visits to the doctor will surely be minimized. The healthier you are, the lesser you are represented as a risk for the insurance company.

 2. Shop for the best available price

 One of the best options to keep your premium lowest is to go out and shop around for the health care policy. This will ensure that you find the best available policy that fits in your budget. Do a thorough research before investing in any policy. You can get information from your friends and relatives or even Internet.

 3. Take up plans with higher deductibles

 Insurance plans with higher deductibles tend to have lower premiums. Typically, deductible is the amount you are expected to pay toward hospital, doctor, and other medical bills. Taking up a plan with a higher deductible may not be a universally applicable idea. If you're generally healthy and do not fall ill very frequently, then you can take up this plan. This way you can keep your premium at a lower rate and avail basic health care facilities as well. But, if you have a history of some major consistent illness, avoid taking this plan.

 4. Take up a policy early in your life

 The premium varies to a great extent with the age of the person. Try and get a policy as early in your life as you can. For example, if you buy a policy at the age of 25, then you'll have to pay lesser premium but, if you go for the same policy at the age of 50 you'll end up paying a raised premium amount.

 5. Get in touch with independent insurance agents

 You can take help from independent insurance agents. These agents represent several insurance agencies and can guide you to pick the right kind of health insurance policy and then plan your premiums at an affordable rate. Since independent agents will compete to get the business - so you'll get serious offers quickly.